Kubernetes is a container orchestration tool. Also referred to as "k8s"
Components of k8s:
> Pod: Pod is the smallest unit of k8s, Abstraction over a container (layer over a container). Usually, one application per Pod is configured. Each Pod gets its own IP address.
> Service: Service is a network endpoint to connect to a pod. Pods can die easily, and a new one will get created in its place. and a new IP address is assigned. So we have a "Service" component. The service IP address will be constant even if the pod gets recreated. It also acts as a Loadbalancer.
- External service:
- Internal service:
> Ingress: For defining URL instead of IP address. Request first goes to Ingress then to Service. It routes traffic into the k8s cluster.
> configMap: External configuration of your application will be saved in configMap. It is connected to the Pod.
> Secret: It is the same as configMap but used to store secret data, credentials. and these data will be saved in "base64" format. We can use this data as environment variables in the container.
> volumes: It attaches physical storage on a Pod or can attach cloud storage to the Pod.
> Deployment: It's another layer on top of pods. We always create deployments and internally it will create replicaset and Pod.
K8s Cluster:
Master node:
Every master node must run below four processes.
Api server: It's a cluster gateway, acts as a gatekeeper for authentication.
Scheduler: It will just decide on which worker node the pod should be scheduled. Based on the resources available on all the nodes and sends the request to the kubelet on that worker node.
Controler manager: Detects cluster state change. If a pod gets destroyed, this will detect and sends the request to the scheduler to recreate the pod.
etcd: It's a cluster brain. It's a key-value store. All the information about the cluster is saved in etcd.
Worker node:
Below three processes must be installed on a worker node.
Container runtime: docker
Kubelet: It interacts with both the container and the node. Its Kubernetes API, Its CLI to configure Kubernetes and manage apps
Kube proxy: Forwards the requests.
Kubernetes setup:There are multiple ways to set up Kubernetes, listed few below:
Minikube: It creates 1 node Kubernetes cluster, everything in one node. It requires a Hypervisor to be installed.
KOPS: It's a multi-node Kubernetes cluster on AWS. It's a production-grade k8s cluster.
kubeadm: Its multi-node Kubernetes cluster anywhere.
Docker Desktop: This docker package also includes kubernetes setup. It creates one node K8s cluster similar to Minikube. It also requires a Hypervisor to be installed. Best setup for testing and learning k8s. Download the setup for Windows and Mac from here.
To show the client version and the server version.
kubectl version
To show all the components in the cluster.
kubectl get all
To show all the pods
kubectl get pods
To show all the pods full details
kubectl get pods -o wide
To show all the nodes
kubectl get nodes
To show all the services
kubectl get services
To show all the deployments
kubectl get deployment
To show all the ReplicaSets
kubectl get replicaset
To change the replicas of Pod.
kubectl scale deployment $deployment_name --replicas $number_of_replicas
To show all the secrets
kubectl get secret
To create a deployment with the mentioned image.
kubectl create deployment $deployment_name --image=$image_name
To show logs of a pod
kubectl logs $pod_name
To show all the config details of a pod
kubectl describe pod $pod_name
To open an interactive shell to the container.
kubectl exec -it $pod_name -- bin/bash
To show all the details about a service.
kubectl describe service $service_name
To delete the deployment, replicaset, and pod.
kubectl delete deployment $deployment_name
To create all the resources from a config file.
kubectl apply -f $file_name.yaml
To delete all the resources from a config file.
kubectl delete -f $file_name.yaml
Outputs updated config of the deployment from the "etcd", from here we can get the status of the deployment.
kubectl get deployment nginx-deployment -o yaml
To create a namespace.
kubectl create namespace $namespace_name
To show all the namespaces.
kubectl get namespace
To create any resource in a specific namespace, give "--namespace" or "-n" option.
kubectl create deployment $deployment_name --image=$image_name -n $namespace_name
To show any resource created in a specific namespace.
kubectl get deployment -n $namespace_name
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